Syigim yang beri this tag....thanks... sorry ek..baru rajin nak buat tugasan hehehe
1. Where are you now?
Dubai (counting the days for holiday..cuti-cuti Malaysia)
Dubai (counting the days for holiday..cuti-cuti Malaysia)
2. What do you do?
Just like you Syigim, full time housewife ....keep busy very with my kids & hubby, doing a small business while I'm at home - baking homemade cake, cupcakes, cookies, sometimes do food catering, used to be a secretary in the private sector in Telco company.. and now a personal assistant to my dear hubby of course
3. What is your blog name, and why?
Journey of my life in Dubai UAE...i created this blog for my family in Malaysia to know what is my routine story happened around me..but I think i will change a new name that suit me :)
4. When did you start blogging?
Around 2004, at friendster's blog but not very active...and now actively at blogspot sometimes in 2008
6. Give the link when you were the saddest to blog?
Sad lossing my beloved late father last 8 months ago.......you can read HERE
Sad lossing my beloved late father last 8 months ago.......you can read HERE
7. Give the link when you were the angriest to blog?
Exceli when I'm angry i don't write/publish in my blog because...i don't want to remember the bad mood times....emm I am quite a high tempered person if people break a promise! (suka cakap tak serupa bikin)
Exceli when I'm angry i don't write/publish in my blog because...i don't want to remember the bad mood times....emm I am quite a high tempered person if people break a promise! (suka cakap tak serupa bikin)
9. Give the link of a post that turns out to be very meaningful to you?
10. Tag some friends to know about their answer?
ngeh.. ngeh.. ngeh.. in that case, I LOVED to spread this to :
1. Elise
2. Farah
3. Ika
4. Fizan
5. Nazreen
6. Pearls
7. Ct
8. Noza
9. Nana
10. Iryani
dan pada yang sudi & rajin jawap this tag

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